Thursday, April 10, 2008

Some people just doesn't seem to possess no situation awareness at all, zero!

Went to the clinic today as usual for my regular change of wound dressing. Unfortunately, different Dr. Today wasn't Dr. Michael Chong but Dr. Ho.

I told the assistant at the counter that I cannot stand or sit too long or else I will have breathing difficulty. The assistant told us, we have to wait in line as the Dr. refuse to let us jump the queue. Great. I went home, with changing my wound dressing.

I'm not against the female species but somehow a minority of them are world class in being stupid. It's no wonder she's a Dr. in a small private clinic. Had she been a Dr. in a hospital, a lot of patients would have lost their lives.

Why? patients in a critical condition will be put on hold to their death.

Thanks Dr. Ho, thanks very much. Your name suits you well. In the black community, a ho is a prostitute. You are very much similar, bitch! Your turn will come...

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