Monday, June 1, 2009

How do I do this? 1 main point of having so much hope in is "Love will prevail"

I've been trying as long as I can remember to communicate well with her, but I feel sad. Sad that I've yet to see her trying at all. I wouldn't know if she isn't for sure but from what my eyes see and my brains think, she doesn't. It's my heart that's keeping me calm.

My heart says she loves me a lot and it's just her nature that she doesn't talk much. At least because she has to babble in english instead of in mandarin which is I found out is kinda weird for her cause she speaks mainly in mandarin while I speak mainly in english.

Now, if only she will share with me her daily stuff, tells me her different experiences and all. This, will definitely helps us in making us closer.


I've never actually loved someone this much before. God, help me. Love, please dun end between us. I have no more feelings for anything else after this...

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