Thursday, January 10, 2008


Today was a good day. Went out before work to settle some stuff. Had a late lunch though =/

Mmm... let's see. Today's work was a breeze. Walk through the blk, knocked on 3 doors and entered the 3rd door. Inside, I met a wonderful guy. The way his positive mind works, it's contagious! = O

He graduated from ITE and work through a few jobs that requires one to be a U graduate. When questioned of his capabilities, all he said was "Read". Come to think of it, it's been a while since I enjoyed a book. And with it, my mind withered as well. How sad =/

And he's living my dream, part of it at least. He bought himself a house before getting married! (The reason why I'm still not married yet I guess, can't afford it yet)

Education, is the key to secure yourself an interview. Experience and knowledge, to walk through your career like knife through butter. Wisdom, to make sure your future is well planned out...

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