Thursday, December 11, 2008

Depression - I'm depressed and I can't seem to help it. I know the solution, at least 3/4 of it to solve my problems but even when I'm trying to solve, my mind keeps worrying. Anyone that I tried to talk to, doesn't gives me assurance but questions my solution methods or questions me back with answerless questions in return.

Some say I think too much and it's been a while and I'm still trying not to think too much but no, things keeps popping inside my head, demanding answers! I've tried to live day by day without much thoughts for tomorrow but tomorrow keeps demanding answers. To makes matters worse, there's like no one that I could turn to, to help me cope. Whoever I ask, will only gives me more depressing answers. There's still some people left for me to turn to but problem is, I don't know if these people could help. My GF, my Mum, my elder sister, these are my last resort before I guess I have to turn to professional help. I'm trying to forget to worries with turning to work and making me busy or entertaining my sweetheart but I know, I can only elude from problems for so long before reality catches up! :(

Insomnia - Problems with sleeping, even if I manage to catch my 40 winks, it will only last a maximum of 6 hours, barely. Whenever I lie down, worries run through my head, making me linger into black hole, going nowhere. Worse when I'm about to fall asleep, feeling of worry will make me awake suddenly. The only way I could make myself fall asleep is when I tire myself out which I'm half unable to do cause I can't concentrate fully with my worries troubling me.

-sigh- Why was I brought back from my near death experience? What am I fated to be? I tried to be what I want to be but there's so many obstacles and I'm weary from overcoming them. I'll never give up for sure but I know there's only so much I can take before my minds gives way and I go nuts...

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